Are you considering a visit to Arrowhead Family Chiropractic?

Our goal is to make your visit experience as comfortable as possible. Here is what to expect:

    • Our first visit will start with a tour from our bilingual Receptionist, Alicia. This should help you understand the flow of our office and introduce you to the different areas and services we offer.
  • Next, Alicia will make sure you have your intake paperwork filled out, and if needed, assist you with the 2-3 minutes of health questions. This information will help our Doctors understand your condition and lifestyle. 
    • When one of our two bilingual Doctors take you back, we will sit one-on-one to discuss your pain, discomfort or health goal. This is the best part of the visit! Please tell us everything you haven't had the time to express to your other medical providers. Every bit of your life matters to us; we will briefly cover your stress levels, work routine, hobbies and sports, past injuries, overall health and any other topics you would like to speak with us about. This is your time and we can dive deeper into any of these topics with you.
  • Our Doctors will use this information to understand your condition as it relates specifically to YOU as an individual. Our Bodies are just a reflection of what we do on a daily basis, and this speeds recovery dramatically!
    • Next you will receive a thorough exam, from our Doctor. You read that right, you are still one-on-one with your DOCTOR! This ensures a correct exam and diagnosis. The exam includes blood pressure, height/weight, movement assessment, gait assessment, orthopedic exams and a hands on evaluation of your complaint.
  • This is the part where we strive to help you understand what our findings show. Our Doctor will explain the cause of your condition, the diagnosis, and the treatment plan in words you can understand. This leads to a full understanding of why this is happening to you and what you can do to help fix this issue. Knowledge is power.
    • Lastly but most importantly you will receive spinal or extremity adjustments along with muscle work to help start the decrease in your pain. 
  • You should leave feeling better, with a full understanding of your condition, the power to make changes yourself, and a plan of how our team is going to help fix your issue.

Nervous about the adjustments?

Don't fret!

Dr. Serina & Dr. Zach Harvey are expertly trained at the chiropractic adjustment.

We are NOTHING like the old school brutal pulls and crunches that leave you breathless and wondering if you are better or worse. 

We also NEVER deliver the exact same adjustment every visit, your body should be changing during care, so our adjustments will be ever changing as well.

Our focus is equally on the skeletal, muscular and nervous system. This means, we will not adjust into a tight and painful muscle spasm. There is no benefit to making the nerve and muscle more irritated. Both Doctors are trained in multiple muscle techniques to relax the tension and decrease pain before the adjustment. 

The result? A comfortable joint adjustment that provides RELIEF! After all, our goal is to make you feel better.

Please communicate with our Doctors if you feel nervous and they will treat at the level you are comfortable with.